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Career Interest and Skills Evaluation  (CISE)

CISE is an assessment process that allows clients or students to experiment with 16 different types of occupations while Trendline staff document their interest levels, skills, and challenges.  The process also tests different support strategies to see which work best for which tasks. 


What Does the Process Look Like?


The client or student performs tasks in as many as 16 jobs or occupations in realistic situations in a single location.


Daily wrap-ups are used to discuss findings with the individual and his/her team.  


Trendline staff support the individual by modeling steps, showing videos of steps, giving verbal instructions, using picture sequences, or providing written checklists.


Staff create final products including a full report of all findings, a set of action steps that will help the individual attain additional training or employment in a field that will fit his/her strengths and interests, and an electronic portfolio that documents the individual's CISE experience


Trendline staff collect  data about the individual's enjoyment of each task, performance of each step, and effectiveness of each type of prompt or support.


The individual can continue with Trendline Consulting Employment Services, or staff can help bridge to other providers.

What Occupations Are Explored?

In all, these 16 jobs or occupational areas include 90 different tasks and assess more than 200 gross motor, fine motor, sensory, cognitive, language, and interpersonal skills.  Trendline staff use the results to find "best fit" jobs and educational experiences within the consumer's community and to plot a path forward toward fulfilling employment.


CISE sessions can be scheduled more or less intensively to complete the process in as little time as 1 week or in as much time as 3 months. 


The lead for our CISE project is Melissa Grither.  Please contact Melissa at TrendlineMNG@gmail.comfor more information. 

Trendline Consulting LLC

1404 Corporation Lane

Perryville, M0.

(573) 605-1600

© 2019 Trendline Consulting LLC. Proudly created with

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